David Price haaaaaaaaates Boston.
Q. Tell me something about you that people don’t know. Surprise me.
A. People in Boston don’t know anything about me. The only thing I have to do is pitch good. People don’t care about what I do or the type of person that I am. That doesn’t matter.
Q. It matters to me.
A. It doesn’t matter to these people in Boston. I’ve got to go out there and earn respect by pitching well. Period. That’s the only thing that’s going to turn the page for me in Boston. I’ve got to go out there and dominate. People don’t care what I do off the field.
Q. You don’t think they care if you’re a good person or not?
A. No, no chance. They don’t care. If they care, I wouldn’t have went through all that crap that I went through last year. If they cared. Period. You have to be in my shoes. If you lived it . . .
Q. What size are your shoes?
A. 13½. If you lived it and you told me they cared, OK. If you experienced it on a day-to-day basis — everything — you wouldn’t think that. They don’t care. I’m David Price the pitcher; I’m not a person.
Q. You’re David Price, the human being.
A. Oh, I appreciate that, but you’re not everybody in Boston.