Did we do a weekend movie poll? B&B: B
I was underwhelmed. It was good but I felt Watson was over autotuned in the singing. The CGI was either impressively good or jarringly noticable. I didn't like Gad as much as I thought I would. Gaston was actually quite good as was Klein. But for all the hype it wasn't like blow me out of the water great.
BatB - A -- nm
Callisto Buffalomeat
Mar 20, 13:35
Patriots Day - A, it was pretty much guaranteed that I'd like it -- nm
Mar 20, 13:25
NCAA Tournament: A -- nm
Mar 20, 13:11
BatB: A-. -- nm
Mar 20, 13:07
Burnt - I'm 98% finished but I think its a B+, its food I would never eat but I love Food Movies!
Mar 20, 13:02
A- BnB (spoilers)
Mel Profit
Mar 20, 12:56
Lion - B-. Long road for the payoff you know is coming. It's emotional, but just seemed long and drawn out. -- nm
Mar 20, 12:55
I'm only a bit into Loving, but it's slow paced and Csokas feels like poor casting. "Hello, I'm Officer Evil."
Mar 20, 12:55