Indigo-Re: Starwars:GOH ships--Ship Ability Material ship challenge is very important as you max out---I think at level 3, you get zeta material -- (edited)
Posted by
Flavorize (aka Flavorize)
Mar 21 '17, 19:28
as a sometimes additional, random award for Ship Ability Material (just as *sometimes* you get Omega Material onLevel6 of the Ability Mats Challenge).--[To get to Level 3 you need a bunch of 5 star holding off on ships could cost you]
So you use the Zetas for the truly awesome abilities--In your case Darth Nilius --Wound of the Force Zeta ability
"At the start of each of this turns Nilius inflicts damage over time for 2 turns on a random enemy ...[etc the usual Wound of the Force stuff...BUT]...At the start of EACH ENEMY turn, Nihilus inflicts Health Down on them for 2 Turns"<--Zeta Ability--That's pretty sweet.
Otherwise, you have to wait 2 days, to buy 1 Zeta abilities with 2 days worth of ship rewards in the Fleet Store--
BTW--have you checked out Death Trooper? Wow! That guy has cool abilities