In response to
"This will be gobblygook to most of us, but maybe RC wants to read it. The new amendment to change EHBs -- (link)"
*slowly shuffles in wearing a suit that looks like it came off a life-sized Fozz E. Bear doll*
*and carrying the requisite battered and bereft, slightly orangish but mainly brown, soft-sided lawyer's briefcase*
*plods over to ty97*
*reads the webpage ty97 linked to*
*looks back at ty97*
*with all the weariness of the world on his shoulders, he begins padding and rummaging around in his pockets, looking for something*
*starts rummaging through his briefcase*
*accidentally shows ty97 a certain file with numerous pictures of Reagen being climbed by a certain client*
*including "before" and "after" pictures of several puncture wounds suffered by the unfortunate Tall just the other day*
*eventually finds his stack of business cards and hands one to ty97*
*it's a hefty business card, printed on egg shell 14-point card stock and printed in Silian Grail*
*it reads: Bear Lee Lawyer, Esq. / On exclusive retainer to Mr. Mel Profit (a.k.a. Nekkid Crazy Mel) / All services require client's prior approval*
*tips his hat and shuffles back out*
*and on his way out, points back to the use of the Oxford comma in the first post of this IM*