LIR: Wait just a second ... Andie, you're saying that there is a human being on this planet who went through a thought process like this ...
"HHhhhhmmmm ... Andie said she needs this incredibly important and essential document as soon as possible because the person who signs documents like this is leaving at 2:00 p.m. And won't be back for a month."
"Gosh, it's really important, so maybe I should put it over here on Sam's desk for safekeeping."
"But maybe Sam won't know what to do with it. I better attach a post it note asking them to forward it to Andie. It's a really important document, so I'll have to use a bright green post it note to catch Sam's attention right away."
(ten minutes later)
"Okay! Now that I have absolutely ensured this document will be signed by leaving it on Sam's desk with a cute green post it note, I think I've earned myself a morning break! Time for Starbucks!"
(two hours and twenty minutes later)
"Gosh, that was a good latte, and -- ... Hey! What is this document still doing on Sam's desk?!?!?! That is very unprofessional. Now I'm going to have to send it to Andie myself!"
"Though I might need another latte, first ... "