Thanks for all the well wishes yesterday, I had a scare that turned out to be far less of a big deal.
I've seen things in the news warning about the effects of hospital mergers. However one result of the big hospital in Boise buying our small little hospital here is that all the medical files are available for doctors to look at in both places.
I was told I had a bad situation that would require emergency surgery and I could spend up to three additional days in the hospital recovering. They instructed me to drive to Boise and check in in the ER there.
So I got there. The ER doc reviewed my files which included the raw tests rather than just the diagnosis (which would have been done pre-merger). He then did a hands on examination of me, ran a blood test for intestinal damage, and then consulted the surgeon on hand.
He came back and said "We're of the opinion that the nurse practitioner that say you really overreacted." He said that I do need surgery but surgery you can plan for is always better than emergency surgery. He said I could have the surgery scheduled on an outpatient basis.
They gave me a IV bag of fluids and then let me go.
Having been given a worse case scenario and building it up in my mind during the drive to Boise, I felt immeasurably relieved.
Anyways, thanks for all the well wishes.
I'm glad it was not an emergency situation but get it handled soon -- nm
May 10, 09:10
*phew* that's good to hear. Now I can mock you without feeling bad. -- nm
May 10, 08:48
Phew. "So, we can schedule you for next month, or you can stick around and we can try to break our speed record." -- nm
May 10, 08:43
Good to hear. feel better. -- nm
May 10, 08:35
I"m very happy for you that it's not an emergency and hopefully you feel much better today.
May 10, 08:34
This is tremendous news.
Mel Profit
May 10, 08:32
you should go punch that nurse in the throat. -- nm
May 10, 08:30
Time to burn down the building.
May 10, 08:30
good news. Where his hands cold ? -- nm
May 10, 08:29
FWIW, this is *exactly* what happened to me. It sounds like you have a great surgeon.
May 10, 08:28
whew. I'm going to keep sending the healing thoughts. -- nm
May 10, 08:28
that's good news! -- nm
May 10, 08:27
Good news! -- nm
May 10, 08:27
continued good thoughts -- nm
May 10, 08:26