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Spitballing an idea: So, since STers can now block users and other stuff, we should have a way of dealing with an old habit of ours -- (edited)
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Jun 26 '17, 23:15
Blurting out random things out of their context and with no indication that a reference to anything outside of the post is even being made. Let's face it, we're old and old habits die hard. The last thing I expect is for an STer to change the way they post because of anything I might say.
But not mentioning Trump in either the post *or in any of the replying posts where I was asking what was going on* did anyone say it is about Trump. Can we entertain the notion that this might be rude? Just a thought (while I duck and run away). Hence the me assuming no one wants to change the way we post. The mystery is fun. I get it. You Rickrolled me with Trump, but it's something I don't like seeing. Since we have the tools to block the things we don't want to see then we should say the things that each post is about (this will never happen on here) but doesn't it make sense to at least start talking about this? (Ironically, I remember and now once again recall when Mop used to post with hashtags way back when and I'm sure others here do too).
Not offended or anything remotely of the sort. I just like ST and have this question now.