In response to
"(I also presume these people are troubled about that scene after the fall of Baghdad when Saddam's statue came down) -- nm"
I will say that I've been given more thought to statues of Washington, Jefferson, etc.
Posted by
Mel Profit (aka Mel Profit)
Aug 17 '17, 08:55
These children of the Enlightenment were willing to risk imprisonment or death for these ideals...right up until the point where it affected their financial well being. And keep in mind, let's be honest, they were motivated into action because of the affect on their financial well being. It's all Locke's version of the "social contract" until, "hey wait...what? How much is that gonna cost me? Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
I still thing the statues have a positive meaning but it's a lot grayer for me as I get older...