In all the praise that Kelly is getting for his explanation of what the President was trying to say to the gold star mother, I was struck by a couple
Posted by
pmb (aka pmb)
Oct 20 '17, 08:36
of things. First, aside from the fact that it basically contradicts Trump saying that he didn't say those things, trust Trump to deliver a nuanced, empathetic and heartfelt message (that isn't even his own) is something that Kelly should know better than to have tried. And second, even the message itself, while perfectly appropriate and meaningful when given from one general to another general who lost his son in battle, can still be completely tone deaf to a non-military mother who lost her son. I understand how hard this was for Kelly to discuss and how meaningful the sentiment is to him, but this is not a one-size fits all kind of thing. Especially when we know the messenger.
In short, if something needs to be handled delicately, don't give it to Donald Trump. -- nm
Oct 20, 08:48
My take was that Trump wanted to one-up previous Presidents by calling, so Kelly had to provide the best advice in the circumstances. -- nm
Roger More
Oct 20, 08:41
Also, Trump cut out Kelly's legs from under him on this, this morning.
Oct 20, 08:41
Pretty sure you have to give Trump bullet points on paper to get him to say something he does not think, correctly. -- nm
Oct 20, 08:38
yup thats my take as well. -- nm
Oct 20, 08:37