Gather around children, I have a story to tell. The end is LOL.
Posted by
Mop (aka Rburriel)
Nov 15 '17, 22:11
I have an “uncle”. He’s actually my ex-wife’s uncle, her dad's (my ex-father-in-law’s) brother. We’re familiar, but I wouldn’t really say social. I saw him at family gatherings before the divorce but that’s about it. Today, as it happened, just as grandpa (ex-father-in-law) was dropping off one of my kids from dance practice, I looked at my phone and saw that I had just missed a call from “uncle”.
“Huh, why would your brother be phoning me?” I wondered aloud but we were both a little baffled. But only a little. “Uncle” had phoned me once or twice in the past to update me on family happenings and to say hello. It’s kinda nice that he thinks of me. I do think he’s a nice guy and that’s pretty decent of him.
After grandpa left, I called “uncle” back and sure enough he wanted to give me an update on Opa, his - and my ex-father-in-law’s - dad. I’ve mentioned Opa on ST before. The guy’s been frail for years and, after some medical issues, been near death... for years. The guy is nothing if not stubborn. He’s in no hurry to die and that’s fine by me. Opa’s been put in a nursing home and that’s probably good news as Oma couldn’t really care for him and for four years he wasn’t really getting the best care at home. Frankly, I expect Opa to improve now that he’s in assisted living. And Oma is finally going to be able to rest. “Uncle” also updated me about his boys and what they’re up to, and about his upcoming travel plans. It all sounds great. We said our goodbyes.
Then I got a text from my ex-father-in-law. He had a thought. You see, my name is “Raul” and his is “Ray”. “Uncle” had probably been trying to call him instead and dialed me by mistake. Every. Time.