In response to
"What's the point structure? -- nm"
Will Hunting
Posted by
Nov 26 '17, 10:03
The Award Shows we include:
Alphabet Awards (WGA, DGA, PGA, SAG, ADGA, ASC, BAFTA, ACE, and AFI)
Golden Globes
Academy Awards
For the Golden Globes, Academy Awards, and the Razzies, we have a tier system where more important categories garner more points. The tiers are as follows:
Tier 1: Best Picture(s)
Tier 2: Acting/Writing/Directing
Tier 3: All other categories (Only the ones given out during the televised event)
Points are awarded for each nomination and each win, with the same value for a nomination and a win.
Point Breakdown
Award Show Tier #3 Tier #2 Tier #1
Alphabet 5 5 5
Golden Globes 5 10 15
Oscars 10 15 20
Razzies -10 -15 -20