I rec'd cool news yesterday. Back in the spring I auditioned for the stage version of 'Shakespeare In Love'. I hadn't really done any Shakespeare
since college and I had to convince the producers to agree to even see me for it as they mostly know me as someone who mainly does musicals and sing and Shakespeare is a whole other animal. (And a lot of people don't think people who do musicals can really act or handle the text.) I worked extremely hard on my monologue and the scene I was given to prepare for the audition. I didn't get the role (they cast the Lead Producer's best friend who wasn't memorized at the audition - hm) but they were very complimentary to me and perhaps a bit surprised that I could do it. I was sad, but that's the biz and I went on with life.
Recently the Producer's friend had to back out of the show. They wrote to see if I was available. I have to move a couple things around but I said yes and they made me an offer yesterday.
I'm so excited. I'll be playing the Nurse and I'll also get to sing. Mel is jazzed too. He helped me prepare by reading Gwyneth Paltrow's character's lines for me as I rehearsed the audition. He used an accent and pretended to be a virginal Elizabethan-Era girl. It was...something. He plans to show up on Opening Night dressed as Private Ryan. It's gonna be so cool!