No, Donald Trump's poll numbers do not beat Lincoln, all other GOP presidents -- (link)
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Missing the 1936 election is quite the whiff. -- nm
Jul 31, 11:33
As a reminder, George Bush Sr. had a 90%+ approval rating during the Gulf War.
Will Hunting, King of Blood Feud
Jul 31, 11:17
It's crazy that his Gallup poll number are just slightly under where Carter, Reagan and Clinton were at the same time in their first (or only) term. -- nm
Jul 31, 10:58
If all he wants is to be the most popular - can we all just get together and say he's our very favorite president ever...
Johnny Lawrence
Jul 31, 10:52
Leaving aside the fact that Lincoln voters didn't pick up the phone when pollsters called, he is behind at this point W, HW, Reagen, Eisenhower -- nm
crash davis
Jul 31, 10:51