do you guys recall that my sister stopped speaking to me in december of 2015? she was here last week and texted me.
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Aug 29 '19, 13:31
when she texted, it was immeds apparent that her play here is "mary hasn't been speaking to me all this time," not "I chose not to speak to mary."
I decided to call to call her out on her bullshit. I don't think text is the correct medium for that.
I reminded her that I had sent countless letters, postcards, etc saying "I hope you continue to be happy in your decision not to speak to me" (not those words, but you get it), and she said "oh I thought you were kidding, I thought you were just being mean."
I reminded her of all of the horrible things she said to me when she picked the huge, life changing, embarrassing fight at old sashamart, and she said "I have no recollection of these things. I'm sure you're misremembering. this is revisionist history" so I encouraged her to call sasha and karen (who were there) to check their memories against mine.
I do think that she baited me via text (at 1130 pm) to get me to call her so she could throw in my face that I was the one who called her after all these years. I don't much care.
the fact of the matter is that nothing can ever be the same again after not speaking to your only sibling for three years and nine months. I don't really think she understood what she was doing by stopping talking to me. since she stopped talking to me, I have gotten three new jobs, a new car, a new roof, a new fireplace, new windows, a new kitchen. chubbers name is chubbers now. she has no idea of any of these things.
but you guys do, and you understand when that third new job keeps me away for weeks on end and you're happy to see me when I finally resurface from microsoft excel. so thanks for that and for listening and for being kinder to me than anyone in my family has been in the last 45 months.
TL; DR: I love you guys. (and amy. spawn, make sure amy sees this.)
You can't chose your family. You can chose your clan.
Mr. Havens
Aug 29, 17:00
Aug 29, 16:20
After 3 years, just roll eyes, "whatever, sis. Where do we go from here? " does she win if she gets to believe it was your fault? -- nm
Aug 29, 14:52
Hugs -- nm
Aug 29, 14:49
I am going to steal your idea and try not to talk to my sister for that long. -- nm
Aug 29, 14:42
de-stress, you will be happier without her baggage. -- nm
Aug 29, 14:27
Happy that you can speak here. This is a forum where people listen and understand. Also, I will call my sister tonight. Just because. -- nm
zunk xometimes
Aug 29, 14:21
I'm sorry that she's putting you through this. We all know it is her loss and it sounds like you might now too. -- nm
Aug 29, 14:20
As an only child I cannot really fathom the situation. All I can say is that I'm sorry you are dealing
Aug 29, 14:15
'oh I thought you were kidding so I just didn't bother to contact you for THREE YEARS' does not compute.
Aug 29, 13:38
Ugh! That's some bullshit and I'm sorry things are not any better.
Aug 29, 13:38
shaking my head here. that's awful. i'm really sorry. -- nm
Aug 29, 13:36
this is a shitty first. sorry. -- nm
Aug 29, 13:31