So like....what happens when this thing hits 'peak'. It doesn't just go away. How long do we live like this?
Posted by
Mar 12 '20, 06:33
(not complaining, but I'm curious. Is this our new normal?)
We'll be back to health in a few months...the impacts will be felt for longer, but health wise, we'll bounce back -- nm
Will Hunting
Mar 12, 06:42
Always takes a scare to wake people up. Remote Workforces, Cloud, Online all taken to new levels. Internet circuits stressed, expanded -- nm
Mar 12, 06:39
I don't think this is our new normal, but I do think our "normal" becomes something different. -- nm
Dark Callisto
Mar 12, 06:37
Unlikely this is our new normal. These coronaviruses typically result in vaccines or eradication. I mean, it could be, but history tells us the chance
Mar 12, 06:36