Except the latest COVID clusterfck here is a live export sheep ship. They advised the gov’t 3 crew were feverish a couple days out.
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May 28 '20, 06:11
By the time they arrived it was 6. Feds have them docking permission, and didn’t tell the state or port authorities. Luckily nobody was allowed off, and only one person had gone on board (in PPE) before they found out at the port. I think they’re up to 13 crew positive now, all on lockdown. Them and 4 people who flew in from Europe via Doha (who were in mandatory quarantine as well) are all the known active cases we have.
Not sure what’s going to happen to the 56,000 sheep they were going to ship. Can’t go back to their farms because of biosecurity laws, and there’s a live export moratorium starting Monday. Ship was supposed to be the last one out.