In response to
"I think that's one thing that does get missed when we stop business with a brand."
Dark Callisto
It gives so much fodder to the nut jobs saying that we are just a mob of pitchforks and torches, but I do understand that many people are more interes
Posted by
JackDawson (aka dawson)
Jun 10 '20, 11:10
ted in trench warfare than actually resolving issues (not that I can blame them, since one particular side started and escalated this type of warfare, and there is no doubt in my mind that this is true--it's still not my preferred response).
My gym - a gymnasium, a private organization, with no obligation to do so - does a lot of stuff (none perhaps earth shattering or even impressive) to help the local community in many ways, particularly women, lgbtq people, and people of color.
They associated with a horrible brand, that they dropped like a hot potato.
"Death Penalty to them!!"?? Ok. That sounds like a certain group I know of.