Posts: 153
In response to "It will. Back when the novel was in print (I actually had to hassle with iUniverse to get it that way, and to disable a non-approved ebook) those..." by Qale

More: Pixiesticks is a pretty old book at this point. Vanity Press was a big thing then. It was just before self-publishing legit was taking off.

I remember being ridiculed greatly when speaking up at a panel at DragonCon and I mentioned that it was something I was interested in, that I thought it was going to be good for non-agented, non-serious writers to get stuff out there into people’s hands. Maaaybe hit paydirt if we were lucky.

I don’t recommend iUniverse obviously in 2020. My other novels are still available in physical form on Lulu. I priced them at rate, so I don’t make profit there. I’m at the point with my novels were I just want people to enjoy them if they want.

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