In response to
"Speaking of training, I just fundamentally don't get how people build up to marathons"
I could send you a plan. Basically it's short runs throughout the week with a long run each week that increases a mile or two each week.
Posted by
Dano (aka dano)
Jul 13 '20, 08:06
The biggest thing with the long runs to make yourself do is SLOW DOWN. You're not going to run your 5K pace for a marathon. As you start to build distance, you will definitely think you're running way too slow. The big difference with pacing during a marathon is that instead of thinking how do I feel, you have to think how will I feel after 4 hours of this? It's somewhat trial and error. I have found myself trudging back for miles after going out too hard on a long run. Also, you need to eat (at least use gels) once you start running very long distances. I was dumb enough when I was training without guidance to realize that I had to drink water, but it never dawned on me that I also needed nutrition throughout.