Boss gave me a performance evaluation of "meets expectations" which might sound good except for two things...
Posted by
Mopsy (aka rburriel)
Sep 18 '20, 14:15
...I've never had an evaluation below "exceeds expectations" and to tell me, frankly, in light of the greatest crisis the world has seen in a century, when I've been working my ass off to make things as "normal" as possible for my users, to suggest that I was just status quo is a fucking slap to the face.
When my grandkids ask me "Pop-pop, what did you do during the pandemic?" If my answer is "Kept my head down and did what was expected of me." I should be ashamed.
Are you clocking in at the office each day? -- nm
Sep 18, 16:15
The expectations were for you to exceed expectations, so.. (NM)
Sep 18, 15:02
Same boss as previous reviews?
Judge Bane
Sep 18, 14:44
I got an exceeds expectations in every category but time/attendance and was fired 3 months later thanks to the pandemic, so... yanno. -- nm*
Sep 18, 14:40
forward this to your boss...or his boss -- nm
Sep 18, 14:38
Yeah—pretty tone deaf of them-I guess as long as you get a normal pay bump . If he/ she is doing that to justify a smaller or no pay bump...
Flavorize—Mr Unliiiiiiiiimited
Sep 18, 14:28
"well, I started a podcast that eventually took over a Central American country..." -- nm
Sep 18, 14:17