I'm looking for some direction/options relative to a batch of Dale Gallon civil war prints that I need to sell/divest all of.
My Dad's brother passed away a few months before my car accident three and half years ago. Dad has been helping his widow sort through the household's collection of stuff, put some in storage, getting my Aunt ready to move to be closer to her grandkids.
The biggest remaining portion he's asked me to help with is a collection of about 17 framed Dale Gallon prints. Signed, letters of authenticity, ranging from 4 foot x 3 foot down to page-sized items. Way too many to put on eBay as a lot, and none of the regional auction-houses have expressed much interest in taking them.
Any advice or where/how/what I might recommend? Some of the prints I have seen sold on eBaby are going in the range of $100-$300, I'd be happy recommending my Aunt sell them as a lot to anyone who would pay more than $250 for the lot.