Bzzt. Calling it here because the board rolled. Here's the most "popular" beer in the US.
Beer sales in the US by barrels shipped market share (2019), individual beer brands
1. Bud Light (14.3%)
2. Coors Light (7.2%)
3. Miller Lite (6.1%)
4. Budweiser (5.5%)
5. Michelob Ultra (4.3%)
6. Corona Extra (4.2%)
7. Modelo Especial (4%)
8. Natural Light (3.3%)
9. Busch Light (3.3%)
10. Busch (2.0%)
Heineken (1.8%)
Keystone Light (1.7%)
Miller High Life (1.7%)
Stella Artois (1.3%)
Bud Ice (1.2%)
Natural Ice (1.1%)
Yeungling Lager (1.1%)
Pabst Blue Ribbon (1.1%)
Blue Moon (1.0%)