In response to
"Or maybe it's the truth... -- nm"
We’ll honestly probably never know and the Chinese made sure of that.
Posted by
Feb 9 '21, 06:36
There’s not enough circumstantial evidence to convict but certainly enough not to dismiss out of hand that it escaped from the lab working on the virus 1/4 of a mile from the first cases when the only known living carrier is a bat 800 miles away.
They delayed the WHO team for months before giving access to everyone but the scientists at the lab.
There was a really good article from New York or the New Yorker that was posted here that detailed the case. It’s not the land of conspiracy theory that the CCP wants to make it out to be.
And I’m definitely not saying it was deliberately released. Accidents do happen. There have been several over the past 20 years at high level virology labs. But to simply say it couldn’t have been that isn’t credible at this point when the only people with the evidence refuse to be transparent about it.