Weed is legal here today in Virginia, but it comes with a ton of new rules and possible incarcerations.
It was a half-assed effort that was pressed on the current gov. He originally signed legalization but put it out somewhere in 2024, which is insane. Activists put on a ton of pressure and got what we have now:
-Grow 4 plants at home
-Possession of 1oz is legal, but only if it's not in plain sight and not outside of the trunk of your car when driving
-Smoking is legal on your private property, not in public, not on HUD property
Legalization came with a bunch of new driving laws that allow cops to pull someone over for smoking claiming they thought it might be weed. Juveniles also have incredibly stiff penalties for any amount of weed, including being labeled a delinquent, having driver license taken, subjected to drug screening, and possibly incarcerated.
Good steps, but there is a lot more to do including the big one- releasing everyone in prison on weed charges.