A while back I acquired a couple of boxes of electronics bits and bobs for Raspberry Pi projects. I've had an idea of what to do with them.
Posted by
Beryllium (aka grayman)
Oct 21 '21, 22:52
I mean, to start with, I need to catalogue them. They are very unorganized. But doing all that work doesn't seem very fun, so I needed an idea for how to make it fun.
My wife's been watching CSI reruns, which gave me just the idea I needed: Film it. Film it like one of their silly "science the shit out of it" scenes - techno music, quick cuts, colour grading, all of it.
So I've spent some of this evening scouring the YouTube audio library for royalty-free music tracks that fit the bill ... and very few of them do. I'm going to need to broaden the search.
But this could turn out to be a fun project.