In response to
"Regarding actual cleanliness: In real life, you need to think of yourself as being in an eternal rain shower."
CLEAN ROOM technique goes a lot further. I will sum up
Posted by
loosilu (aka loosilu2)
Oct 27 '21, 18:45
it is 100% based on the reality that the air is always heavily raining microbes.
Do not open ANYTHING except inside a lab hood. That's a space with a strong downward air flow. You have to lift the glass just a couple of inches and squeeze your arms under it to handle anything.
Do not uncover ANY test tube or petri dish for more than a microsecond
If necessary, hold the lid over it very very close
ALWAYS flame the lid before you instantly put it back. That means, You have a little alcohol lamp burning next to you, and you put that fucker in the flame then instantly put it back on the container.
You must wear FULL clean outfit. Coveralls, booties over irradiated sneakers, googles, mask, hood, gloves, and disposable sleeaves that cover the space between gloves and sleeves.
You must, before every process, with gloved/sleeved hands, inside the hood, rub alcohol fully over your gloves
And part of all of that is that all glassware is always, always upside down.
Once you understand we live in a constant deluge rainstorm of microbes, you can't put glassware rightside up again.