My .02 on the elections last night. 1) Democrats have much less interest and get much less motivated by state and local elections than republicans.
Posted by
pmb (aka pmb)
Nov 3 '21, 09:07
I had hoped dems would learn the lessons from what's going on, but there are more casual dem voters than republicans.
2) The republican rage machine is incredibly effective for them. Their constant state of fight or flight makes every election a life or death action. Dems get tired of raging.
3) Dems constantly waging public internal battles undermines confidence in the party and its competence. While I think a lot of what's going on with the infrastructure/BBB is just seeing how the sausage gets made, the constant public back and forth and "we have a deal/we don't have a deal yet" just frustrates everyone. It's rare that republicans aren't in lock step. Part of that is because they purge the anyone who isn't. I don't think that's a positive, but it is effective.
4) The party in power pretty much always loses in the interim elections. Outrage that Biden hasn't fixed everything in 9 months. It's ridiculous but it's always been this way. The Virginia governorship has switched party almost entirely based on who is the party in power except in 2013.
5) Dems need to get some stuff done before 2024 and it has to be done early enough so that people start to benefit from it.
6) Manchin and Synema suck.