In response to
"Honest question, with how detailed this game is, this has to take an immense amount of time I assume?"
You can definitely go down the rabbit hole if you want, but you can be successful without a huge time investment.
Posted by
Dano (aka dano)
Nov 5 '21, 07:39
Most days the only thing I'm doing is checking in to see how my team did. There are a few key times in the season that require a bit of time investment.
Start of the Season: You've graduated three seniors and have three new freshman. You will likely want to do some review and experiment some with your lineup here.
First Recruiting Deadline: You will need to do some research to decide what recruits you're going after and try to build a recruiting safety net.
Recruiting Reveal: At this point you get good information about where you stand in your recruiting. If you're in good shape there's not a lot to do, but you also may have to scramble a bit if the reveal is not good.
Otherwise I tend to be pretty much on autopilot and just a spectator.