Recap of today's House votes. This is what democracy looks like. -- (edited)
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Nov 5 '21, 21:57
8:12 am - Vote on motion to adjourn (failed after 7+ hours)
3:22 pm - Vote on point of order to consider H. Res. 774 (passed after 5 hours)
8:21 pm - Debate on H. Res 774 (Rule providing for consideration of Build Back Better budget reconciliation bill)
10:01 pm - Voice vote on H. Res 774, yeas and nays demanded and proceedings postponed
10:02 pm - House in recess
10:52 pm - House returns, passes Senate amendment to H.R. 3684 (Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework)
11:27 pm - Motion to reconsider laid upon the table. Objection heard. Vote on motion to table the motion to reconsider.
11:52 pm - Motion to table the motion to reconsider passed, motion to reconsider the motion to table the motion to reconsider agreed to without objection.
11:53 pm - H. Res 774 considered as unfinished business. Vote to order the previous question.
12:18 pm - Ordering the previous question agreed to. Vote to agree to the resolution.
12:42 pm - Resolution agreed to. Motion to reconsider laid upon the table without objection. Goodnight everyone, it's time to go home.