In response to
"A helpful reminder to my ST friends: take care of yourself first. "
Baron Enero
Yes! I'll add to this, because it's been a topic of discussion in my household...
Posted by
colin (aka colinski)
Jan 21 '22, 08:12
Remember that weight is not always tied to health. Fat people often are quite healthy. You can be fat and have good eating habits, be active, and take care of your health without losing weight. Don't let a doctor tell you that losing weight is a magic cure all. My most recent doctor told me that if I just lost some weight, my body would magically start producing testosterone, which is absolute horse shit.
BMI is also horse shit.
And fat shaming has fantastically racist roots, if you want to go down that rabbit hole (it's pretty gross stuff).
Take care of you HEALTH and know that being fat is not high on the important measures of overall health. You're beautiful how you are.