Have a headache and could use some BIG help. Amending a handbook. Basically, a jerk put a hot tub on his balcony and we need to prohibit it.
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Feb 24 '22, 12:02
Was trying to star out by saying the balconies are intended to be used for balcony kinda purposes. Was going to go on and say they are not intended for storage or other uses such as hot tubs. Basically want them to use it for patio furniture and the like.
Usually my mind just does this but I am making attempts, and throwing them away.
Curious, are their any prohibition against waterbeds? Same principle. Require they hire an engineer to certify the structure can sustain the weight -- nm
Feb 24, 12:29
But I'll be grandfathered in, right? -- nm
hot tub guy
Feb 24, 12:25
just use weight and safety -- nm
Feb 24, 12:13
Does the handbook also talk about the use of barbecues on a balcony? -- nm
Roger More
Feb 24, 12:11
tie it to weight and maybe something about only allowing non-permanent structures to be placed on the balcony? -- nm
Feb 24, 12:08
"Any person installing a tub or sauna on their patio or balcony grants usage rights to the property owner and manager" -- nm
Feb 24, 12:07
"Don't be a dumbass" doesn't cover it?
Feb 24, 12:07
"Balconies are meant for lightweight patio furniture. They may not be used for storage of bulky items and no tubs, saunas, pools, etc may be installed -- nm
Feb 24, 12:06
You can give me a call.
Feb 24, 12:05