Trying to set up a wordpress instance for the sailing co-op, with a members-only area for booking sailings ... -- (edited)
Posted by
Beryllium (aka grayman)
Mar 8 '22, 01:20
... has caused me to once again realize that wordpress is trash and now I'm currently resisting the urge to build a custom solution.
If I did build it, the result would be a platform that allows four things:
1. Marketing: Posting content about the co-op & recruiting members
2. Reservations: booking time on the boat (or if it was generalized, reserving any time on a co-operative community resource - a pool, gym equipment, a cottage/timeshare, etc)
3. Socializing: Members-only chat board (hey, I wonder where I could snag some existing code for that ... heh)
4. Maintaining: Some sort of planning system for scheduling maintenance/todo tasks
And I suppose if I were to productize this concept, I could optionally monetize it by having the membership dues flow through the system for a minuscule commission. Otherwise a small charge for hosting would fix things up.
No free hosting, but no obscene costs either.
Is this a viable idea?