Maybe it makes me a bad person - but I really want bad things to happen to Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Lindsey Graham and their ilk. nm
they are so fucking threatened by a uber-qualified, ridiculously intelligent black woman.
I don't wish for bad things to happen to anyone but I do hope they get some comeuppance for all they've done to hurt our democracy and country -- nm
Mar 23, 13:20
Welcome to me 4 years ago -- nm
Mar 23, 12:45
They tried to, or would have been fine with, dismantling our government. So sure, I would have no sympathy if they were ruined for life.
zunk xometimes
Mar 23, 12:45
I don't wish ill on them, but I find them to be hypocritical liars. -- nm
Mar 23, 12:39
if you allow to throw de santis in for good luck, I will not judge. also
amanda jeans
Mar 23, 12:37
Not wanting to make a martyr out of anyone, I would like to have god powers with a "dramatic incontinence" button triggered any time they speak
Mar 23, 12:36
I wonder - did Ted Cruz ask Kavanaugh or Coney-Barrett even 1 question about ANY case they ever presided over?
Uhtred, son of Uhtred
Mar 23, 12:35
They are just making a show for their base. Senate judicial confirmations are the worst, most devolved form of political theater. -- nm
Mar 23, 12:32
They are grade A CHOADS and I can't stand them. I immediately shut down when they start talking -- nm
St. Epiphany
Mar 23, 12:29
I just want them to go away. I know there are 'good' Republicans - hell I'm friends with more than a few
Mar 23, 12:28
and Blackburn -- nm
Mar 23, 12:28