Poll: Who was the earliest-born person you knew fairly well in person?
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Apr 25 '22, 16:02
My great-grandmother was born in 1889 and was a lot of fun to be around. Pretty remarkable to think of everything she saw over her lifetime. She just missed the internet era.
My grandmothers. One was born in 1890, the other in 1900. One of them traveled by covered wagon from Alberta to CA. -- nm
Apr 25, 18:13
Mom's mother I met in the late 60s, she lived almost 100, I think she was born around WW1 -- nm
Apr 25, 17:02
Oldest I’m sure of is my stepmother’s grandmother. 1901ish. -- nm
Apr 25, 16:27
my grandfather was born in 1899, but his sister-in-law I knew was about 12-15 years older. I do not know her exact birthdate. -- nm
Apr 25, 16:25
I knew my great-grandfather (born 1886) but he died when I was about 10.
Dark Callisto
Apr 25, 16:25
Probably my Grandparents, who were all from 1913 to 1915. (NM)
Apr 25, 16:20
Never knew any relatives well who were older than my dad's parents.
Apr 25, 16:19
My grandmother was born in rural Ireland circa 1908 and later raised a family in the Bronx.
Apr 25, 16:10
On my dad's side, my grandfather was 1905-2001 and grandmother was 1912-2014. There was a great great aunt or such who was born before them.
Apr 25, 16:08