Okay, let the grand debate begin...
Posted by
David (aka David)
Aug 11 '22, 10:27
For this season's Blood Feud draft, the options are:
1) The same draft we've done most years where you can keep five players at whatever positions you prefer
2) A modified draft where you can keep more players than usual but the same rules otherwise apply
3) The proposed draft wherein a team sets their own roster based on their current keepers. If you keep seven, your draft starts in round eight. If you keep 10, your draft starts in round 11. And if you keep everyone, you skip the draft entirely.
Please chime in with your vote/thoughts.
You get one vote each, but you can argue as much as you'd like. I'd prefer that you remain polite with those who disagree, though.
3, probably -- nm
Aug 11, 11:57
I want to say 1 just to annoy ML, but I vote 3.
the wrong element
Aug 11, 11:49
#3, because it is good and right and holy -- nm
Aug 11, 11:00
3 -- nm
Aug 11, 10:57
*smacks a rock on a rock while picking his ear* -- nm
Cave tRuMaN
Aug 11, 10:57
#3 -- nm
Aug 11, 10:41
(I love the draft and all the light smack talk in it.) -- nm
Aug 11, 10:37
#3 -- nm
Aug 11, 10:37
#3 -- nm
Dark Callisto
Aug 11, 10:34
#3 works for me -- nm
Aug 11, 10:34
I think I'm going to drop out -- I generally haven't looked or cared this year. -- nm
Will Hunting
Aug 11, 10:33
#3, I will be polite unless it is ML who disagrees with me. -- nm
crash davis
Aug 11, 10:32
#3 please. rewards good drafting and good team building -- nm
Aug 11, 10:28