So there goes the last chance for me to vote for a Republican this election.
Posted by
Dano (aka dano)
Oct 4 '22, 12:51
The past several elections, I've voted for one Republican - my State House Representative. When the election is coming up, I pull up her voting record. Even if I disagree with many of her votes as long as she goes against her party in the more extreme cases, I've voted for her for pragmatic reasons. She's competent, and in a Republican controlled State House I thought it was good to have a tenured Republican representing my district.
So I looked up her voting record this time. First, she signed onto a letter challenging PA's election results in 2020. Also, she's voted along with her party more these past two years including some more extreme issues than in the past. I don't think she's gone full nutter, but she's fallen in line.
I don't know if the Democrat has any chance, but she's getting my vote this time.