I got another kick in the backside today, but I'm kind of numb to those. Instead, I'll count my victories. Today's first victory was crash vs NYT
I need my NYT. And then I subscribed to NYT Cooking. I'm getting a basic sub for too much a month, no games, no Wirecutter beyond the ten free a month, and no Athletic.
I saw that they are offering new subscribers full access: the Times, games, cooking, Wirecutter, Athletic for $1.25/week billed at $5/month for a full year.
I called them this this morning and told them I either wanted to change my subscription or cancel. She switched me over to the new deal, and pro-rated what I have already paid on basic and Cooking into a credit ($16.oo) for the new deal.
So I have the next three months already paid and I'm reading an Athletic article on power plays.