I spent the afternoon at a funeral for my brother's friend. I almost decided not to go but it turned out to be a really good experience.
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Dec 24 '22, 20:10
I think not knowing him closely helped with some perspective, but the anecdotes given by his friends and family were great. He was a pediatrician and family doctor and loved to tease his patients.
For a shy 16yr-old boy getting a regular check up. "Well, all your tests came back clean. But your urine tastes terrible."
For another: "Your tests show you're perfectly healthy except for that raging case of herpes" (which the kid obviously didn't have)
For a 70something woman who came in sick: "I have good news: you don't have COVID. The bad news: you're pregnant."
His brother carried his sense of humor: "Thank you all for coming, especially you white people who fought your instincts and entered a mosque for the first time. Only my brother could bring together muslims, hindus, a jew, a black man, and the rest of you here on Christmas Eve. This is amazing."