In response to
"Oh I know. But they live in Florida. Under a fascist regime by a fascist governor with primarily fascists as their neighbors. "
fascists are a minority, but their tactics scare people.
Posted by
colin (aka colinski)
Jan 31 '23, 13:35
threatening to jail people for honest mistakes on voting, suppressing mail in votes, making it impossible to cure votes, waging war against every marginalized group via policy and public statement - all of these things are not widely popular even in Florida but they've stacked everything to stay in power via courts and laws passed by a group representing a minority of voters.
5,325,589 registered republicans out of over 14 million registered voters... is that really a fascists majority?
people still have incredible power and are terrifying as a mass. voting doesn't scare anybody, that's too easy to undermine. direct action is going to be required at a certain point.