"Seattle will not host any matches during the 2023 season, as the Orcas need a suitable facility in which to play." I was hoping to get in a match if I got an ASG ticket
-- (link*)
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you really want to test the strength of the premise, make the next Ted Lasso series about him managing the England cricket team
hollywood big shot
Mar 23, 11:37
Go…*sigh*…Unicorns. -- (edited)
znufrii, meh and problematic
Mar 23, 11:24
I mentioned before, but I enjoy watching the games they play in the park down from our house. I get the general gist but the exact rules elude me from
Mar 23, 11:22
referenced in above article - article from 2017, "Microsoft plans world-class cricket pitch at Redmond HQ, in first for major U.S. tech campus" -- (link)
crash davis
Mar 23, 11:18
Worth it. -- nm
20,000 Microsoft employees laid off in 2023
Mar 23, 11:40
I wonder if there's a seasonable advantage to cricket in the U.S.?
Mar 23, 11:17