While I impress my self with my continuing font of dumb ideas, I think I approached peak dumbness today. I've always been yoga-curious
living in a rural town limits the choices as far as a class. A yoga center did open up here a couple years ago, but they want $75-$100/month for a class.
Parks and Rec is now offering Yoga classes for $20/month. So I went and signed up for one. The problem is that the only one that works for me is Monday through Friday 5:30 am to 6:30 am. That is really early for me.
I'll try to start Wednesday. I'll find out if I can get up that early.
I also signed up for a Sunday night meditation class which from the blurb at P&R seems to be whole new level of weirdness for me. I'll report on that after I've done a class.