In response to
"STIS: do ADA accommodations apply in all places? Does it depend on whether it’s a public or private place, etc?"
Short answers: "Not necessarily" and "yes."
I'd frame this as two initial questions:
1. Is the summer camp at the science museum required to follow the ADA? Is it a school? A public facility? A private museum essentially operating the equivalent of a private school?
Disability Rights California has a good summary of how the ADA applies to public versus private schools. That might be a good starting point.
Disability Rights Tennessee probably has similar information, but I couldn't find anything relevant on their website (
2. Then there are the questions about balancing "reasonable accommodation" versus "undue hardship".
The ADA National Network has a decent summary of that topic --
It's worth looking into. You might try seeking help from DRT if you need it, but I'm happy to help as much as I can.