So the new head of The Friends of the Library here was in the Army during Vietnam and worked for the NSA in the 70s (running listening posts in Alaska
is what he told me). He was instrumental in creating the memorial on a highway out of town that features an M-1 tank.
He surprised me a little bit today when he told me he has been having a blast really giving it to his pro-Trump friends down at the VFW. He said he challenges them to recite their induction oath ("to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic"). He told me he was recording all the news channels so he could have more stuff to give the Trump guys crap each day. He did say they are starting to get irritated with him.
I'm used to being so deep in red territory that it always shocks me when I find another person who holds the same beliefs I do. I don't even mention politics, but he figured out the could diss on Trump with me and it would be cool.
I guess old NSA guys don't have much respect for people who mishandle classified documents.