Parenting milestone: Princess Disney over the last two day asked if any of the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny or Santa were real......
She will be 13 in October, so I knew the time for all of them were likely ending within the next year. I thought last Christmas that she made it to 12 still believing in Santa assuming that would be her last believing in Santa but you always hope..
She asked a lot of questions about how we as parents managed to keep it all going and shared some of the secrets...she seemed okay with it in the end but asked if we would just ensure that she would still get Easter and Santa gifts and that we would keep all the magic going for a few more years. :)
Happy and sad at the same time as it looks like we did a good job with her keeping all the fun imagination things we have them believe as kids.
Wow my GF's youngest is 14, and I'm pretty sure he's known for years. Partially from a-holes at school, but also I think the divorce tipped things
Jun 21, 10:55
Tell me how, after realizing Santa et al was a prank, people don't realize the rest of it, God n religion isn't just a bigger scam. -- nm
Jun 21, 10:14
Santa still brings gifts and the Easter Bunny still hides a basket for my kids. My youngest is 22. -- nm*
Jun 21, 10:03
Next up: trickle-down economics. nm
Jude Law
Jun 21, 09:12
We do Santa and tooth fairy…but took the legs out from the Easter Bunny. “You’ll get cooler stuff from me than the Easter Bunny”
Jun 21, 09:06
Just saying, to me, the term "not real" is incorrect. They're very much real. Just not in the way the littles thing. -- nm
Turd Ferguson
Jun 21, 08:58