What is the weather typically like in Chicago in early March?
On March 7, the temperature in Chicago typically ranges from 32°F to 40°F and is rarely below 21°F or above 54°F.
For reference, on July 18, the hottest day of the year, temperatures in Chicago typically range from 71°F to 83°F, while on January 29, the coldest day of the year, they range from 22°F to 33°F.
The coolest time of the day is from 2:00 AM to 8:30 AM, with the coldest at 6:30 AM, at which time the temperature is below 37°F three days out of four, and below 44°F nine days out of ten.
The warmest time of the day is from 11:45 AM to 5:30 PM, with the hottest at 2:45 PM, at which time the temperature is above 33°F three days out of four, and above 28°F nine days out of ten.
The day has gained half its heat by 10:00 AM and lost it again by 8:45 PM.
On average, there is a 21% chance that more than 0.04 inches of total precipitation will fall in Chicago throughout the day on March 7, of which 78% is expected to be rain alone, 10% to be snow alone, and 11% to be a mixture of snow and rain.
For reference, the year's highest daily chance of precipitation is 37% on May 26, and its lowest chance is 15% on January 30.
For those 21% of years with precipitation on March 7, the chart below shows when throughout the day that precipitation is more or less likely to occur, excluding hourly accumulations of less than 0.01 inches. If precipitation were equally likely throughout the day, all hours would report 4.2% (100% divided by 24 hours).
Precipitation is most likely between 3 AM and 4 AM, and least likely between 9 AM and 10 AM.
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