Big Brother update
Posted by
peglegpete (aka peglegpete)
Sep 2 '09, 21:31
Wed 9:29 PM BBT Kevin took a glass of wine and went upstairs and told Nat he didn't even want it and he's going to dump it. He just didn't want Jeff to have it. NT - cindytexas
Wed 9:29 PM BBT kevin dumps his glass of wine in the toilet. says he just wants to take it away from jeff NT - BigBrotherLuvR
Wed 9:29 PM BBT Kevin launches operation F Jeff... - PartyN
Takes a glass of wine just so Jeff cannot have it.
Wed 9:29 PM BBT Kevin asked for wine, poured the glasses himself & took his glass upstairs & dumped it saying he did not want Jeff to have it! NT - NoNeedtoSitDown
Wed 9:28 PM BBT Kev says he doesn't even want the wine and only took some to take it away from Jeff. He throws the wine in the toilet NT - megatron1
Wed 9:28 PM BBT N/K head into HoH. Mich in DR NT - Zap
Wed 9:27 PM BBT K/N take wine to HOH, JJ in BY with wine, M called to DR NT - katerade
Wed 9:26 PM BBT Mitch, Jeff, and Jordache all in kitchen... - PartyN
Jeff in tank top and shorts. Jordan in blue tee shirt and white shorts. Mitch in same old purplely-burgandy bikini. Kevin just came in with blue shirt and hooded yellow sweatshirt.
Wed 9:24 PM BBT Jeff trying to convince Jo to drink, she doesnt want to NT - katerade
Wed 9:23 PM BBT HG's get White Wine NT - Zap
Wed 9:23 PM BBT theres wine! white ... Jo brings it outside - katerade
its white
Jeff says beggars cant be choosers
go inside to kitchen
M asks jeff to help her and jo study
cleaning kitchen
Wed 9:21 PM BBT random chit chat by the hot tub NT - megatron1
Wed 9:20 PM BBT Jeff says there is wine, Jo says 'shutup!' ... but Jeff is lying - katerade
Jo says she was surprised that BB didnt say anything to Nat about drinking
M says that she has drank before, she had a whole bottle of wine with chima and lydia
Jeff asks Jo to go check the storage room for wine.
Wed 9:18 PM BBT Michelle confirms vote for Jeff to stay. She goes "I don't have to do what that douchebag says" NT - PartyN
Wed 9:18 PM BBT Je/M discuss if Nat will vote for Jeff. Jeff says he needs to talk to Nat one more time NT - megatron1
Wed 9:18 PM BBT Je and M in pool now - katerade
Je asking if M is still going to vote his way.
M saying ya for sure, i got you all the way
Je saying his best shot is if N decides to go for it at the last minute
M said she told him the first week that she will never vote him out
Je - I apresh
Jo comes back outside. she has changed out of her suit.
Wed 9:17 PM BBT Jeff asks Mich if she is voting for him to stay even if Nat doesn't. Mich: Ofcourse. NT - megatron1
Wed 9:11 PM BBT JJM talking about Jesse - jeff says its going to be a nightmare in there (JH) - katerade
M - there will probably be alcohol in there
Jo - says if theres alcohol in there russell will probably get all sentimental with him
Je - i'll just take a bottle and sit on the beach.
talking about Je and Russ fighting in JH, that there will be swat teams waiting outside. wondering how they keep tabs on them in JH without cameras. Jeff saying he could just leave
Wed 9:06 PM BBT Jeff on a rant about how Lydia never cleaned anything and jordan cleaned up after her and Lyd was a real dirtball - lot of F words included in rant NT - hellojulie
Wed 9:05 PM BBT M/Je arguing whether Lydia cleaned or not. Mich says she used to clean at 4 in the morning, Jeff disagrees NT - megatron1
Wed 9:04 PM BBT Jor said she left a mean one for Russ after he told her to go eat cookie dough! She said - hellojulie
if she goes into the jury house she sure will eat cookie dough right in his face. Mich said to tell him to stick it up his ass. ***Sirens and helicopters outside like crazy!
Wed 9:02 PM BBT JJM talking about leaving goodbye messages...Jo asks if M ever left a mean message - hellojulie
and mich said yeah once with ronnie...she said she said I want to f***ing stab you! And then i was like OMG dont air that!
Wed 9:01 PM BBT Jayufffff I see that one star again but it is in a differnt place now...(LOL) NT - hellojulie
Wed 9:00 PM BBT Feeds back J&J&M chatting about editing and footage... NT - hellojulie
Wed 9:00 PM BBT jeff said the production guy was like, "TTYN" what is that??? And jeff says - hellojulie
oh that is like TTYL (talk to you later) but it is TTYN (talk to you Never) the guys goes Oh sound like Paris Hilton! Jeff said he was cracking up and could barely get thru it. Jeff says I am not gonna tell you anymor eabout it and them we hear "HG you are not allowed to talk about...." Jeff says, Oh now would i ever do tht? LOL and we get FOTH
Wed 8:58 PM BBT Jeff starts talking about his DR session. Fish NT - megatron1
Wed 8:58 PM BBT Jeff out of DR laughing. Kev in NExt BBAD starting NT - Zap
Wed 8:57 PM BBT we got FISH NT - hellojulie
Wed 8:57 PM BBT M explains that part of the reason why she wanted Jeff to stay was that he was a bigger target NT - megatron1
Wed 8:57 PM BBT apparently jeff had to do a re-do on his goodbye...jor says oh it must be cuz yer first one wadnt that goood.... NT - hellojulie
Wed 8:57 PM BBT J/M convo - megatron1
Michele tells Jordan that KN told her that Jeff calls her crazy & Cuckoo McGoo. Mich says that Jeff prob did not say that even if he did it was strategy. She warns Jordan that they are gonna feed both of them lies about each other.
Wed 8:56 PM BBT jeff comes out into BY smiling at the ladies...Jordan asks if he is coming in...he says he will just put his feet in NT - hellojulie
Wed 8:56 PM BBT M and Jo in hottub - katerade
Jo - its 2 versus 2. i'm going to try in the comps so dont think that i'm not. i know you are freaking out that you are going home next week.
M something ?
Jo - i have a good feeling about next week. says DR asked about michelles POV win, saying that she said michelle did good and deserved it.
M - saying the most important thing is not reporting what we say back to K/N
Jo - says they dont need to talk as much so that they dont think they are teamed up and working together. says they know that N/K are a team, its so obvious. knows they wont vote each other out.
M - ...
Jo - if kevins here (in f3) i dont know, if its nat we can beat her (in F3 HOH)
M - explaining HOH comp in F3
Jo - (sounds alot more confidant in her abilities) talking about comps and about her priod mistrust of michelle
M - talking about her side of things, how it wasnt nice to hear about people talking about her. saying it doesnt matter
Jo - i think they are confidant that they are going to get it.
M - they are cocky. when you are on top .... it happened to us (laughs)
Jo - says she will feel like a yo yo if M votes her out over K in F4. she considers first or second place winners. isnt even thinking about jury votes.
M - saying its her dream to be on the show and the money isnt even the most important thing to her
Jo - saying (jokingly) that she will argue for M to get the money
Jeff comes over to hottub
Wed 8:54 PM BBT Jor: whatever they me i won't listen to, ok? ALL feeds on BY with M&J at hottub NT - hellojulie
Wed 8:53 PM BBT Jor realizing that K&N have been feeding her lies about what M has said or told them. - hellojulie
Mich telling her they have been lying. Both are discussing how cocky K&N are being
Wed 8:51 PM BBT M to Jo : the most important thing is we tell them nothing and we keep it between ourselves - hellojulie
Jo says we need to keep it lookin like we are not teaming up. It is up to us-we have to win...Mich: we will do it! Jor- If i stay i seriously will try my hardest ever
Wed 8:48 PM BBT Jo promises to take Mich off the block if she wins the veto and mich is on the block with someone else...u have my word i will be sure to save you... - hellojulie
dont freak out bc you will be saved if i get that veto
Wed 8:48 PM BBT Jo and M in hottub - katerade
Jo saying that N told her that michelle had all her numbers wrong on her calendar
M saying she has no calendar, she uses her birth control as a memory aid. she says let them think that.
Jo saying that N said that N has everything down pat and correct
(discussing the days certain things happened)
Jo - describing her discussion with Nat, Jo wanted the F3 to include michelle and Nat was saying it has to be kevin. says she knows what they are doing, they want M out and then Jo. says that if M goes home she will die
M - cant hear
Jo - anyone who goes against nat wil lose in F2
M - saying she wants to give money to the best player, not going to hold grudges if she is on jury
Jo - please dont repeat this. she says she will pretend to nat that she will vote out michelle but that M shouldnt be scared
M - we could have a sick ass fight .. where big brother has to pull us apart
Jo - i want to take you with me .. we've been together for so long. i thought you and K had an F2 deal
M - i just talk to him to get information.
Jo says she understand why M would want to keep jeff ... better at comps etc. just letting her know that she has her back no matter what happens or what she does.
Wed 8:46 PM BBT Mich says that she would give someone her vote even if they were the ones who got her out b/c she is objective and wants to give it to the best playr - hellojulie
but K said he would never vote for the person who got him out. Jor says she is going to tell her in confidence that she wants to go with Michele to the final 2...and they are discussing how they have been lied to by K&N
Wed 8:42 PM BBT M&J discussing dates and Jo says she has dates down pat but she isnt sure Nat's are right...M says she gave wrong dates to Russ on purpose so ... NT - hellojulie
Wed 8:42 PM BBT Date talk with M/Jo NT - Zap