NaNoWriMo: Day 8 excerpt. (No Qale warning needed here, plus I'm at 15,090 / 50,000. Yay!)
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Qale (aka Qale)
Nov 8 '08, 15:01
Once we�re seated in chairs facing opposite one another at a larger table than the one in the primary tent, she reaches up and turns on a small lamp. It illuminates the table, which has a deck of cards placed in the center, but only halfway eases the darkness that shrouds each of our faces.
Without speaking, I move to cut the deck twice. It�s a ritual I�m long used to sharing with Peace. Her dangling bracelets clamor as she plucks up the first of the cards and sets it directly in front of me.
�Your present is represented here.� Despite having read my cards many times, she�s not taken out of her character. Peace delivers the names and meanings of the cards as if I were any one else with twenty five dollars and a curious mind. I know she cares for me. I know I hold a special place in her world, but this one time I wished she were more compassionate.
�Winds of Change. Perhaps one of the most up front and honest cards in the deck. Hadyn there are no second guesses, no misinterpretations of what this card means no matter what position it comes up. The constants that you�re used to are no longer. Change is in the air and you can only prepare yourself for them.�
I swallow audibly hard. I knew coming in here that what I may hear wouldn�t be easy. But damned if I didn�t think it�d be so difficult so quickly. Nothing frightened me more than change.
A second card was turned, this one placed directly to the left of the first. Her blood red painted nails scraped along the card�s edge making a thick sound. I glance from the card�s face to Peace�s and back again, my heart on edge. This card was being placed in my least favorite position.
�The Lovers has shown itself in your immediate circle. As you�re left handed, this position represents the things and people that are the most important to you.� Her voice didn�t waver even as I made a slight gasp when the card was revealed. �Not just representing sexuality, The Lovers also represent a duality.�
�Devyn,� I breathe his name.
�Your twin, of course. But my child, mind my memory, but has this card ever shown in your readings since we�ve started our engagements?�
She�s not looking at the cards anymore, but instead her lean face is raised. Her eyes are staring directly at me, and I cannot match the gaze. Her lips tighten, and even before she sees I�ve shaken my head no, she�s continuing with the reading.
�As I thought. As you�re experiencing change presently, it�s with this immediate circle that the change will affect the most. I can only hope you�ll identify such and make it for the greater good and betterment of yourself.�
�But�� I start, but am silenced by the thick sound of the third card being overturned. It�s placed to the right of the first. I already know its position represents my secondary circle, or rather outside influences on me.
�The Queen of Swords turns up in your secondary circle, or your outside influences realm. This is a very dangerous position for her to be found. The difficulties that may rise, a direct result of these changes, may very well be something abruptly attacking you or something you hold dear.� Peace�s words sound hollow despite their dire warnings. It starts to upset me as she�s obviously giving me a reading like I�d never experienced.
She continues, �The Queen of Swords may represent a conflict between the sexes. The masculine and feminine are at conflict. It shows you being swayed by matters of the heart and are not apt to making good thoughtful decisions.�
�Peace.� Her name drops off my tongue darkly as I dare to put my hands on the table. They�re trembling. But all I can think about is stopping her and begging for clearer explanations.
�My child.� Even with the fourth and final card in her hand, still unrevealed, she does pause and give me a glance.
�I�m in love with him.� Despite all the emotions swirling in my head, and the hard thumping in my heart, I can still barely hear my own words just a meager whisper.
�Say it, Hadyn.� Her tongue flicks across her lips giving the red color a shimmer in the lamp�s delicate light.
�I�m in love with Devyn.�