oh, since we're talking about spanish ... this morning on the bus, I was being aisle-blocked by a spanish/mexican/south american woman speaking to a
Posted by
Beryllium (aka grayman)
Sep 16 '09, 15:52
seated friend.
She was a somewhat large aisle-blocking woman, standing there and not making room for me to pass.
They chatted in spanish (95% sure it was spanish, certainly wasn't french) until the next stop, trapping me up front near the driver, until the flood of new passengers forced me to push past. I found it quite uncomfortable.
All I could think of was how to say something like "please move your fat ass" in spanish :) I suppose I could have used the translate app on my iPhone to do it, but I'm not that rude - I kept it in my head. Although when I did get forced to squeeze past, I said "excuse me" ... I should have said "por favour - gracias ..."
Oh well. It would have been great if I could have nailed the accent of a proper speaker, made them think that I was able to hear their whole conversation. I would have loved to give them that paranoia - lord knows they thought the world was deaf to them.