Inspired by the Disney video: Fun with TiltShift! I used a picture of mine to create a tilt/shift effect that's a little more realistic (link)
Posted by
Guigue (aka Guigue)
Oct 15 '09, 12:26
Tilt shift is used to create miniature effect but it's not 100% realistic. On a real photograph of a miniature, a "tall" building would be mostly in focus from bottom to top. However, with a tilt shift lens, the building will gradually get out of focus since it's basically a gradiant of blurriness.
With a depth map, you can tell Photoshop and other software how deep a specific part of an image is, and it will create the blur accordingly.
The image I did is not perfect, but you can see the lighthouse is still in focus even though the water behind it is blurry.
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