In response to
"I have never watched FNL, but is it *that* hard to imagine that the town grew to need a new HS, or that a rich guy might move into a bigger house?"
I shudder to think how he woulda reacted to Season 1 which had the following story-arcs
Posted by
Will Hunting (aka JoeMetz)
Nov 4 '09, 10:54
Presume football season extends from Sept 1st to (if you win the Texas finals) December 15th.
QB1 is paralyzed. QB1 recovers to go home. QB1 discovers quad-rugby. QB1 gets good enough to be invited to nationals. QB1 doesn't make the team.
Then you have the Smash drama which is not quite as GMAFB-worthy, but still ranks high on the yeah, right-scale.